A Study On Hand Hygiene Practices Among College Students, Trichy

Document Type : Primary Research paper


1 Research scholar, Department of Social work ,Bishop Heber College Trichy Bharathidasan university

2 Research guide , Assistant professor, Department Of Social work, Bishop Heber College Trichy, Bharathidasan University


World Health Organisation recommended international promotion of hand hygiene to prevent various infections during 1980. Inorder to motivate and mobilize people around the world to improve their handwashing habits Global Handwashing Day, a global advocacy day dedicated to increasing awareness and understanding about the importance of handwashing. Hand Hygeinehas been insisted from the beginning of 1980. The report of UNCEF reveal that only 40% of them adhere the hand hygiene practice.Advocating for good hand hygiene practice within communities have been proven to lower the incidence of getting infected from various disease In the present scenario hand hygiene plays vital role in prevention of covid 19. This study is attempted to assess the attitude and knowledge of hand hygiene during this pandemic situation among college students