Gadgets And Pupils With Special Needs During Covid 19 Pandemic: A Brief Study From The Field

Document Type : Primary Research paper


1 Cluster of Education and Social Sciences, Open University Malaysia

2 Fakulti Pendidikan, UniversitiKebangsaan Malaysia

3 Han Chiang University College of Communication, Penang, Malaysia

4 SEGi University Kota Damansara, Malaysia


Technological devices were very important in the teaching and learning process when the Covid 19 pandemic hit the world, especially in Malaysia. The use of this gadget is very educational in the process of educational delivery, including for special education. However, various constraints have to be faced by teachers, students with special needs and parents in providing the device and have the skills to use it. This study was conducted to explore the function of technological devices on students with special needs during this pandemic phase. This study uses a qualitative approach in the process of collecting data. A total of 10 special education teachers were involved in this study in providing their views on the function of the device for students with special needs. Interview sessions were conducted online with the Google Meet platform. The findings of the study show that, the device serves as learning materials, assessment materials, entertainment and networking for students with special needs during a pandemic. The results of this study are expected to help future researchers in conducting further studies.


Volume 12, Issue 1
International virtual conference on Newer Trends and Innovation in Nanotechnology Materials Science . Science and Technology
March 2021
Pages 140-146