The Effectiveness Of Metacognitive And Savi Strategies In Improving The Mastery Of Al-Quran Skills

Document Type : Primary Research paper


1 Department of Islamic Studies, Center for General Studies and Co -curriculum, UniversitiTun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 84200, BatuPahat, Johor

2 Cluster of Education and Social Sciences, Open University Malaysia

3 Institut AminuddinBakiCawangan Sarawak


Students 'mastery of the method of Iqra' is a major factor in their success in mastering the recitation of the Qur'an well and smoothly. The method developed by a famous scholar from Indonesia has been widely used in learning the basics of the Qur’an in Malaysia. Currently this method is accepted as one of the main methods in learning the basics of the Qur’an in primary schools in Malaysia. However, this method is not free from weaknesses that need to be improved with the introduction of new methods and approaches. This study aims to introduce and test the effectiveness of Siqra 'method which is a method built based on Iqra' method and improved by absorbing metacognitive strategies synonymous with self regulation (Preview: Question, Read, Reflect, Recite and Review) to help the teaching and learning process to produce materials that are more interesting to students and SAVI models (Somatic, Auditory, Visual & Intellect). This paper aims to explain the effectiveness of the methods of iqra 'and siqra' in improving the mastery of al-Quran skills of primary school students.

Volume 12, Issue 1
International virtual conference on Newer Trends and Innovation in Nanotechnology Materials Science . Science and Technology
March 2021
Pages 173-185