A Study On Science And Climate Fictions As Foretellers Of Catastrophe

Document Type : Primary Research paper


Manipur International University


Climate change is a harsh fact that the world is currently facing. Climate change has been a gradual phenomenon that could have been averted if appropriate steps had been taken to slow it down. These climate threats have often been dismissed as unreal and far-fetched regardless of the alert. Several campaigns and climate enthusiasts have attempted to drive home the message of impending climatic catastrophe. Science fictions are part of the climate literature genre, in which readers are warned about the harmful activities that will make the planet uninhabitable. This paper examines some of the most important works of climate fiction. The major environmental factors mentioned in the fiction are explained. The social and political shifts that these fictions have inspired are considered. The paper also examines why many works of fiction have been dismissed by society as mere fantasy and analyses some of the opportunities to promote social participation. Therefore, this paper aims to sensitize the human race to the dangers of climate change.


Volume 12, Issue 3 - Serial Number 3
ICMMNT-2021 International Virtual Conference on Materials, Manufacturing and Nanotechnology, 30th June, 2021.
June 2021
Pages 3079-3086