Effects of different protein sources in the broodstock diet on reproductive performance of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii)

Document Type : Primary Research paper



The experiment was designed to study the effects of different protein sources on reproductive performance and offspring quality of Macrobrachium rosenbergii in a 180-day feeding trial. Each tank was stocked with four females and one male (wet weight: 21-35g). Five isonitrogeneous (40%) and isolipidic (10%) diets were formulated to contain either fishmeal (FM), shrimp meal (SHM), squid meal (SQM), bivalve meal (BVM) or a mixture of SHM, SQM and BVM (MIX). The prawns were fed at 3% of body weight, three times daily (0800h, 1200h and 1700h). Prawn fed with diet MIX attained the highest fecundity (1449.52±64.15 egg/g female) followed by BVM (1308.53±40.41 egg/g female), SQM (1085.73±62.92 egg/g female), FM (924.84±67.75 egg/g female) and SHM (875.74±28.14 egg/g female). The fecundity of prawn fed diets MIX and BVM was significantly higher (P<0.05) than those fed SQM, FM and SHM diets. The largest egg diameter was also found in MIX diet (0.567±0.005mm) and this value was significantly larger (P<0.05) than the FM diets. In general, survival rate of larvae in all diets is very high ranging from 95.06% to 99.71%. The present study revealed that formulated diet based on shrimp, squid and bivalve meal mixture can be successfully used in the breeding program of M. rosenbergii
