Novel Hybrid Multi Source Converter For Agriculural Pumping System With Hybrid Renewable Energy Source

Document Type : Primary Research paper


1 Assistant professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur-639113,Tamilnadu, India.

2 UG scholar, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur-639113,Tamilnadu, India.


The main purpose of the paper is to organize technical based farming to the
welfare of modern irrigation system . Basically the farmers are not able to get all biproducts
at all important times. Water is essential part of farming which is primary towards
operating them in efficient way. The pumping system mainly includes motor like DC
motor, Induction motor and special electrical machines that is primarily induction motor is
widely used. The converter topology widely comprises of basic inverter and rectifier[1]. In
this project the design is setup towards universally adapted towards all sorts of motor
configuration in accordance with that the system is designed to have CUK and SEPIC
converter will be connected with hybrid energy source that output of which will be boosted
up to four times the given input. Incase if AC motor or special electrical machine is
connected we have a inverter with specialized space vector pulse width modulation
technique is optimized. Also the hybrid converter will make use of MPPT topology with
incremental conductance algorithm. Thus, making system more efficient towards all sorts
of scenario.
