Experimental Analysis of Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites Using Electrochemical Micromachining

Document Type : Primary Research paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Nehru Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.


Extravagant application of
AMMC (Aluminium Metal Matrix
Composites) in various fields of engineering
has a unique property. Though there are vast
combinations of metal composites,
aluminium is a significant and readily
combinable metal. In this research paper
reinforcement of aluminium with Fly ash
and magnesium oxide is proposed and
fabricated AMMC by stir casting method
and tested in EMM (Electrochemical
Micromachining) using Taguchi’s quality


Volume 12, Issue 3 - Serial Number 3
ICMMNT-2021 International Virtual Conference on Materials, Manufacturing and Nanotechnology, 30th June, 2021.
June 2021
Pages 458-464